We have a small dedicated team at Three Llamas Coffee spanning across Peru and New Zealand with our NZ base being in Woodend, just north or Christchurch. We are all coffee lovers and as a team are committed to the ideal of producing and selling the best and healthiest coffee possible while we showcase the truly fantastic coffee that Peru has to offer.
Some points that make our coffee different from the rest in the NZ:
Our core values are offlavour,healthandwellbeing (“Good for your body and mind”) and it is reflected in all of our products
All of our coffee roasts aregourmetsingle origin blends with distinctive flavours found in Cajamarca, Northern Perú (sweetly aromatic, rich and creamy).
We do gourmetOrganicespresso and plunger/filter coffee too
All of our Coffee is100%ethically sourced
We know where our coffee beans come from becausewe visitour growers on their plantations regularly