Emma Coles, 12 June Last week our three llamas team decided to have a bake off and experiment with cold brew in baking. My attempt at cold brew chocolate brownies turned out interesting. I used a Cream liquor brownie recipe and replaced the Irish cream with cold brew concentrate and dark chocolate for Whittakers milk chocolate. Ingredients: 100g Butter 100g Whittakers milk chocolate broken into pieces 3/4 cup caster sugar 2 Eggs lightly beaten 3 tbsp Cold brew concentrate 3/4 cup plain flour Icing 2 tbsp cocoa powder 3 cups icing sugar 2 tbsp Cold brew concentrate Method: 1. Grease a...
Richard Jackman (Coffee Roaster), 12 June Our Organic Viva Espresso and its non organic sister Essence Espresso is the main staple of our Specialty Coffee range. When starting out our journey in Lima, Peru back in 2013, the local market there mainly drank black coffee made from either a stovetop or plunger, and espresso machines were only just starting to show up in cafes. Consumer preferences over there were not used to good quality coffee (they are probably 20 years behind us in coffee evolution) so the coffee scene was dominated by either very dark roasts (roasted dark to hide...
April 15 Richard Jackman, Founder and Coffee Roaster Many of us enjoy our daily ritual of the must-have morning coffee without giving much thought to the humble coffee bean. Some of us might have a vague idea that it comes from distant countries in South America or Africa and that the coffee bean is brown due to it being roasted, but some don't really know much more than that. Questions you may never have asked include: what plant does the coffee bean come from, what does it look like on the plant, when and how often is it harvested and...
Author: Richard Jackman 2013. This was the year when my wife Cecilia and I made the crazy decision to get into the world of speciality coffee. The choice was not an obvious one, with us both having had successful careers as horticultural scientists, working in the field of postharvest fresh fruit technology. In the lead up to this life altering change of profession we had made the decision to both quit our jobs, sell our Auckland home and move to Peru (Cecilia's birth country) in search for something different. We had in mind setting up an orchard where we could...